Sarahbeth Tucek - Get Well Soon (Team Ghost Remix)
The beginning of this song sounds like the part in Requiem for a Dream when Harry calls Marian for the first time when he's in Florida. And the rest of the song continues to be amazing. I haven't gotten a chance to listen to the original, but I'm assuming this version is better. I like her voice A LOT.
Slipknot - Vermillion Pt. 2
I'm well aware this song is extremely old. However, I have always been obsessed with Vermillion, and I had actually never heard Pt. 2. Softer, more passionate, and the violins that overthrow everything else is such a splendid touch. And his voice sounds good.
LCMDF - Future Me
I normally don't like music like this, it's far too happy usually, but for some reason I really enjoy singing along to this song. It's a good driving song. For when I drive my car and all.....
Jamie Woon - Lady Luck
Okay so I posted a Jamie Woon song a couple of months ago, 'Blue Truth' and it ended up being one of my favorite songs for a while. And while I was rummaging through APC the other day, I found like a super acoustic version of this song, he's like...singing in a canoe. Anyway, I found the orig, and low and behold, I fell in love once again.
Radiohead - Give Up the Ghost
I think the anticipation for Radiohead's new album 'King of Limbs' was one of the most severe levels of album excitement I've expressed in a while. And then I got the album. And then my excitement faded. I guess I just always hold high standards for them ever since 'Kid A,' but for some reason this album is just much to mellow for me. But I forced myself to listen to the album everyday since I got it so like a good fan, I would support whatever sound they want to portray. And it kind of worked... There are like 3 pretty good tracks on the album. This being one of them. Enjoy.
It has been forced into my life that feeling lonely is selfish. So I try to kick that feeling when it creeps up on me. Maybe it's the season, .... of 85 degree weather we have down here...I don't know what it is but I want it to go away before I let it get all the way inside of me.
So then you hear the story about how people fill that secret void up with materials, and I try to fill it up with what I've been taught is the right thing, along with what I believe is my right thing. Music, duh. (Cliche? Bite me.) And it works for a couple days, then it get's even lonelier because you are enjoying it by yourself. And then I miss my family, and my dogs, and my friends up in New York, and I crave the life my Brooklyn Barbie is living right now. And I wish school was over, and Florida didn't exist. And I wish I had a boyfriend even though I know if I did I wouldn't want him anymore. So it begins.... And I wish I looked different, and I wish I never quit ballet, and I wish I still modeled. I wish I was as happy as people I see walking around, or as happy as my sisters and friends. I wish I still had that religious high that I had from the retreat a couple weeks ago.
But then I remember that happiness is an illusion, along with every other emotion that we all want to believe we are feeling. And I become the ever hated deconstructionist, and tell myself that nothing matters, no emotions, or feelings, and that we are all going to change in a matter of minutes. And this feeling is a never ending cycle that eats away at you and then fills itself up again.
And then my music comes on again and I feel all better.
I am slowly but surely realizing my insecurities, along with understanding what I have to do to fix them. But for some reason, I am far too stubborn to do anything about them. So I will continue to fixate myself on the emptiness rather than focus myself on my blessings.
I am becoming lonelier the more I let my head listen to itself. The more I yell at it to stop, the worse it becomes. I am passed being that reckless endangerment to myself, I wish to move on and become wholesome once again.
Materials and the superficial are just how they sound. Nothing fills up a void. Nothing except the Higher. I only pray that They become my friends once again.
For starters, I have a huge crush on Lykke Li, and I hope to some day grow up to be like her. All of her original music is absolutely beautiful, but for some reason these remixes that I am so blessed to find are just that much better. Death to the Throne remixes are pretty significant, you can always tell their remix apart from another...but they did a really good job on this one.
Hussle Club - Loose Tights (Flinch Remix)
I mean it's okay. It's not something I would die without in my itunes, and I'm not even that huge a fan of dubstep because after a while it starts to make you severely ill...but this one works. I think I just like his old school British sounding voice. 1:32 = WOMPWOMPWOMP.
Flo Rida feat. Akon - Who Dat Girl (Hardwell Club Mix)
I deeply do not like either of these artists. But it's such a good remixxixxx. Ugh I hate when songs like these happen to me, because I hate playing them and giving artists like this credit, but whatever, can't help it. Props to them for getting me to dance unwillingly.
Laidback Luke & Steve Aoki - Turbulence (feat. Lil Jon)
Clearly anything you see with either Steve Aoki in it or even if it's just a remix by Laidback Luke, it's usually gold. And this is a very uppity hype track. The beat is super killer, although I somewhat wish the BPM's were raised in the second half, just to make it a little bit more exciting. And as annoying as Lil Jon is, he really does make a song fun.
Wowww. Moby I have missed listening to you. This is so beautiful, pretty haunting, but in a lighter, softer tone. The more I listen to it, the more in love with it I become. It sort of reminds me of a Groove Armada song that I cannot pin point right now, but this is definitely my new bedtime song.
Tiga - Mind Dimensions (Bloody Beetroots Remix)
Huge crush on Tiga, bigger crush on Bloody Beetroot remixes.
GTronic - Sucker Punch (The Only Remix)
SUCKA PUNCH. It makes me want to run far away ... Or run from a bad guy or something.
Freestylers - Cracks (Flux Pavillion Remix)
You know how I feel about Flux Pavillion. Their remixes rule all. Sounds similar to the Jamiroque's 'Blue Skies' remix that they did... UGH it's just so good. That is all.
JOB feat. Anjulie with MadV - Warrior
My brother sent this to me. No words included, just the song. Because he knew that I would obsess over it. TOTALLY Natalia Kills - esque. Sounds like her, dirty beat like how she rolls. Sense of a dark passion throughout, also.
Enrique Iglesias - Tonight
DON'T HATE. I'm sorry, but Enrique is becoming my new Pitbull. These beats he's been singing over are so incredibly sexy. This is one of those songs that just gets me into so much trouble. The video is disgustingly raunchy, but completely enticing. I haven't danced this hard to a song in quite some time. Sin sin sin.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
And this is one of the cutest commercials I've seen in a while.
I went on a retreat this weekend. I first decided to go because my mother offered to pay me if I went, but then I realized that it has been a while since I've retreated and been in touch with my spirituality. So I decided to go, and as I walked onto that bus all I could think about was how random this group of girls and guys was. Seven girls, all from different groups of friends at Ave, and I had no idea what the retreat was about. 'Catching the flame' was the title of the retreat I learned once I got there, and it's main focus was how to turn away from despair and depression and embrace your suffering. Ironic? Nope, just God working severely for all of us. It started off okay, kinda awkward...and then one night as all the girls were in their cabin getting ready for bed, one of the girls started talking about this relationship she was in, and she was SO hurt and upset because the love of her life had just broken her heart. Now, we all know from my constant bitching that I have been there plenty of times before, so I joined in the conversation and decided to put in some advice. My advice led to a story, and a story led to me pouring my soul out to these girls. I hadn't told anyone at Ave about my past, I loved having a clean slate here, but for some reason I knew that I needed to tell these girls. My story led to the next girls story, and the next, and the next...and so on. Every single one of those girls was hurt more than you could imagine. Every single girl couldn't forgive the people that hurt them, or themselves. Me included. But through this new friendship and through the Blessed Sacrament, and Jesus being exposed to us, we all developed this incredible strength and power to forgive the bastards that have too seriously damaged our minds, bodies, and souls. I will remember this weekend forever, because it was the first time I actually let myself cry about what has happened, and find it in myself to let go of everyone I held so much anger towards. I forgave myself, too, which I haven't been able to do in forever. I had so much pent up guilt and anger towards myself for what I put my family and friends through this summer. I am so sorry. But now, I kind of feel free. And like I'm honestly almost crying as I write this because every single one of those girls is so, so incredibly beautiful, inside AND outside, and I can't thank God enough for bringing us all together. We all needed it so much.
Which brings me to my next point. Why do I love so much the comfortability of being depressed, when I can be so happy in the presence of Jesus and Mary. I don't know.
But I do know that from this day forward that I am going to stop selling myself short, because as much as I seriously suck as a person, I deserve a hell of a lot better than what I have been giving myself.
Hate the video, LOVE the song. I danced to this song in Miami this weekend, and the lights that the place had to go with the song were crazy, and it was one of the best feelings I've had in a really long time. When you close your eyes, and all the lights are flashing behind closed lids, you forget about everyone who is in there and you dance only for you. Best. Feeling. Ever. ANYWAY, the lyrics to this song...describe me. It's unfortunate, but so damn true.
"I could stick around and get along with you, hello. It doesn't really mean that I'm into you, hello. You're alright but I'm here, darling, to enjoy the party. Don't get too excited 'cause that's all you get from me, hey. Yeah, I think you're cute, but I really think that you should know. I just came to say hello, hello, hello, hello.
I'm not the kinda girl to get messed up with you, hello. I'ma let you try to convince me to, hello. It's alright I'm getting dizzy just enjoy the party. It's OK with me if you don't have that much to say, hey. Kinda like this game but there's something you should know. I just came to say hello, hello, hey, hey."
I laughed when I finally got to hear all the lyrics to this song. I haven't had a song describe my life in quite some time.