Let's be real here, shall we? We all know that those feel good songs only stay in my system for the time being. Here are the real chord pullers that evoke an emotion in me, and please, let them pull something dark out of you. It's screaming to come out, don't silence it. You know it's in there.
Accept it.
Massive Attack - Red Light (Clark Remix)
#1 song able to take over me. You know when there is that song that has just the right touch that evokes the darkest emotion in you? This is it. Massive Attack has its way of creeping right into my soul and pulling out the blackest of the black. 1:55, hide your kids.
Blood Letting - Blood Warrior
It's a more upbeat version of a song I would want to die to.
Massive Attack VS Aled Jones - Tear Drops In Air
Sick operatic vocals AND Massive Attack??? Why I do believe I've found paradise.
Dave.i.d - Marvel
It took me about six tries to get this mp3 correct. That's when you know you really want a song. This beat is illicit. It's going to get you arrested. Use with caution.
The Do - Slippery Slope
I was first attracted to the video. The singer is a beautiful looking model with abstract images surrounding her. Who wouldn't be interested, right? The jungle-esque beat is what pulled me in. And she has such a new age 40's sounding voice. I love, I love.
Man-u-Ill - Cinderella Man
I know the guy who does the beat for this song! Old time close family friend. He's rad, and this is something he's been working with for a while. It sounds something like Zion I meets Fort Minor. I totally dig. And it touches on a current situation, this recession we are going through...and they do it all over an ill beat. Politics and music? How Rolling Stone of them...
Jamie Woon - Blue Truth
Second fave next to the first one I posted. The beat pulls at something I have in my body. I don't know what it is but it pretty much controls my every move. It's deep, it's dark...and it's on my blog. Take advantage.
"The only way to be perfect is to allow chaos and madness into your life." - Darren Aronofsky. I read this in an interview with Natalie Portman in the latest Vogue. And it hit such a chord with me. I saw Black Swan (Aronofsky's latest film including schizophrenic ballerinas and eating disorders galore) and it was one of those movies that when I walked out of it, I thought I was Nina (Portman's character in the movie.) There is something deep and dark about ballet that most people aren't aware of. It's a continuous battle with yourself. Your weight, your height, your posture, your technique, your flexibility, and quite frankly...your beauty. Aronofsky portrayed the forbidden side of it perfectly in the movie. "When Nina becomes the swan in the movie, it's the kind of transcendent self loss that only artists know." - Vogue. Maybe this is what attracted me. There IS a self loss and self denial that artists know, and up until now it has done nothing but silence me. Everyone that I have become somewhat close to has forbidden this sense of self loathing, because they don't understand. They think that we're being too dramatic, that we can't control our emotions. This is what makes me write. This is what creates art. This is what inspires musicians. This IS my sense of transcendence. Accept it in us, it's what makes us, US.
I don't know what it is that I give off, that makes people want to silence me. But I suppose it's the previous. I've had enough of it, and you know what? I have a voice, and no matter what YOU think should come out of it, I'm going to use it.
I finally saw one of my long lost bestest friends ever two nights ago!!! We had a sweet sleepover (bout freaking time) and she took some dope pics for a scholarship project. She rules at photography. I look like my mother in the 80's in the last pics. -fauxtography.tumblr.com
Okay this took me way too long to post, sorry, but I was sent this mixtape from a Moda Music rep during finals. It's a new December Mixtape from Tom Staar, featuring that gem from Shake Aletti 'Dancefloor', and other awesome shit from Tiga and that 'I Am Europe' song that everyone is obsessed with. Put together quite well actually, plus...he's bangin' to look at.
Tom Staar - December 2010 Mixtape
And to add to my feel good mood, I thought that I would post these little happy gems I previously found during finals which helped calm me down every time I had a break down.
The Dandy Warhols - We Used to Be Friends
Thanks to me and my siblings who have done nothing at nights except watch all episodes of Veronica Mars.
Belle and Sebastian - I Want the World to Stop
I'm usually not a huge fan of Belle and Sebastian, but I guess this time I am. Huh...
Carla Bruni - Quelqu'un M'a Dit
Okay not only is Carla Bruni absolutely beautiful, but her voice is angelic and she is 46% of the reason why I am learning French. Maybe if I can get myself to be able to have her pronunciation...something good will happen to me.
Morning After Girls - Alone
DINGDINGDING. winner! Obsessing over this song for the past couple of weeks. I don't know if it's because the lyrics are sung to match the beat, but it makes me feel absolutely delighted.
MERRRY CHRISTMASSSS BABYYY. One of the only times I'm ever actually happy is in the season of Christmas. Maybe that's why I have seasonal depression... Anyway, I'm finally home, finals have gone to hell, and I finally can blog ! HipHipHooray. I spent my first full day at home making cookies with my siblings, fighting with each other, and decorating the house. I am so happy to be home and I don't think I will want to leave my family ever again. Here's some of my favorite Christmas music, and I hope that you can enjoy it JUST as much as I do.
Trans Siberian Orchestra - Christmas Eve in Sarajevo
I saw Trans Siberian Orchestra last year with the fam, and it was way rad. Orchestral music makes me feel sooo happy and seasonal and makes me want to put on my dancin shoez.
5oh! - Home Alone (Christmas Dubstep)
MERRY DUBSTEP. Home Alone warppp.
Amy Grant - Breath of Heaven
She like...cheated on her husband or something, so it sort of takes away of the innocence of Mary in the song. But it's still totally good.
Charlotte Church - Dream A Dream (Elysium)
Sick orchestra in the background. She burned out but...what can ya do...
I honestly can't believe I just found time to put up new music. I've had these bad boys on call for a day or so now, I just could not find a solid moment to upload them. This is one of thee most stressful weeks I've ever had in my life. Since my other university shut down, I'm riding on this year for a killer gpa to save my life, since this gpa is the only one that's going to matter. I am busting my damn ass at this school (which was just rated 3rd in academics for Catholic Universities behind Notre Dame and Georgetown...whaaaat.)This weekend I forced myself to find time to search out new jamz, and I think I found some decent gems. This music is honestly my saving grace right now. PLEASE enjoy the beats.
She's getting to me. She really is, and it's killing me. I can't help it! These remixes are thee guiltiest pleasure that I've indulged in in quite some time. H.E.L.P.
Hoodie Allen - You Are Not a Robot
It's alright. I just love Marina and the Diamonds and I'm a sucker for a good hip hop overthrow.
iSQUARE - Hey Sexy Lady (SKRILLEX remix)
Okay so you know my feelings on dubstep and how it has to be legitimately raw for me to blog...so get excited. The original to this one is super fun to dance to, but this remix is SO killer. You're going to have to shower after the first drop, it's THAT diirty.
Faithless vs Rihanna - Only Insomnia in the World
Insomnia used to be one of my fave's in techno tunage. Then they pulled this bad mix on us? LIKE.
Awh man, here we go again. SO GOOD. I have 3 really inappropriate choreo'd dances to these, and I cannot wait to find someone who will do them with me.
BoA - Adrenaline
Excuse my ignorance, but I honestly don't know what language this is in. Korean or Japanese is what I'm going to aim at. Anyway, the beat is dope and once again...I start dancing every time it's on.
I have a friend who is a KICK ASS ballerina. She just came back from dancing in Russia at the Vaganova Ballet Academy as one of the youngest Americans or only American or something really significant...either way, she's back in the states dancing for the Boston Ballet. ...And she is one of the most beautiful, delicate, (skinniest) ballerina's I have ever laid my eyes on. I am in quite the holiday spirit, so I LOVE watching the Nutcracker and Swan Lake as ballet's. For some reason ballet gets me in a Christmas mood. Probably because when I used to be a ballerina that was how I knew the holidays were around the corner. Our Nutcracker rehearsals and performances were some of my favorite dancing memories. Anyway, check this bad chick dancing Sugar Plum in this Nutcracker piece I creepily found on the interwebs hehehe. Keenan, if I'm embarrassing you, I'm sorry.
(Check her feet out at around 2:18....definition of ballerina feet, so beautiful)
I'm currently writing a paper on TS Eliot's 'The Waste Land' right now, well, CLEARLY taking a break, but I totally just had a revelation on how shitty our intelligence is becoming. I decided to find a recording of Eliot reading the poem, because I find that you can gain so much more from the poem if you hear how it is supposed to be read. Well, I listened...and listened again, and then went through my favorite parts and, well, I listened again. After I finally let it end, I went and turned my itunes back on, and...well I'll refrain from saying what song came on, but I immediately became embarrassed. This moment it really hit me; these lyrics are dumb as shit. We listen to it because the beats are rad, raw, dirty, make us want to do illicit things...and I'm the FIRST person to admit that even if the lyrics suck, the beat is what gets me. However, it's making us idiots. After reading poems and books from these guys, honestly, there is SO much more out there than what we expose ourselves to. There is SO much we can learn, and to think it's just from a bunch of single words put together...and the fact that JUST that can teach you so much, it's unreal. It's not only music either, it's culture. I was having a talk with one of my best friends the other day about how unbelievably hard it is for us to find guys attractive nowadays because they are just...so damn unintelligent. They don't read, they don't listen to decent music, they aren't religious... And no, that's not fair to say, I don't mind if they aren't religious, but if they know NOTHING about anything spiritual...like, those things are what's important in life. Not drinking, smoking, partying...that is just so empty. And trust me, I went through that phase just a bit ago, and I found nothing fulfilling in it. Not one thing. The things I find pleasure in talking about, some guys/people don't even know what the hell I'm saying. I had a run in with someone my friends set me up with, and I can't even begin how painful it was. He had a beautiful tattoo of a Latin quote that is found in some of my FAVORITE poetry and literature...and he couldn't reference one. NOT ONE. Frustrating to say the least. I feel like I've become a snob, but I really don't mean to be. I think I just...oh I don't know, as a good friend put once 'I never thought my head and body matched up well.' It's true. They haven't. And I honestly believe I will be spending my life alone. I specifically blame my Literature professor from last year for this. He gave me an excerpt from an Allan Bloom book on the corruption of the human mind, and knowing that I happily obsess over music, he had me read the section in which Bloom negated any happy feeling I got from just listening to my tunes. Thanks a lot, Professor. I've now become a complete snob and I really don't think any guy enjoys hanging out with me. It sucks that I am attracted to philosophy, poetry and music. IT SUCKS, IT SUCKS, IT SUCKS. I think I may just stop reading and start doing what normal people do...and join a sorority and dye each others hair and like...play beer pong. Three guys came up to me at the bar the other night, and one of them asked me what I wanted to do after school, so I told him, because I have goals in my life. His response: "whoa weird, so you're like ambitious or whatever..." and then tuned out. UH, YEAH I have ambitions I'M A HUMAN. Nope. Next guy: "So what do you do in your spare time when youre not studying?" Me: Well I have a music blog and I love to write and read and find new music, what do you do?" Him: "oh, I workout." Fail. Next one...became so utterly confused on the fact I knew more about his tattoo than he did, that he honestly told someone I was too smart (which is obviously an INSULT nowadays) and left me and started hanging on these two blondes with fake boobs. Like, IM NOT EVEN SMART. AT ALL. I just pay attention to details and live life in awareness.
And, it's not fast paced, heavy beated, dirtdiry raw partyparty music like it usually is. I apologize. HOWEVER, do you actually think I would deny tunes that weren't just as significant? NOPE. This weekend was pretty mellow, so to fit my mellow mood, mellow music. Ah, to me this is mellow, to you other haters this is depression. Mellow + Depressing beats + Angelic voices = money.
May I suggest the reading of Wallace Stevens "Lunar Paraphrase," to pair with the music as well? Okay good, because I just did.
Jump, Little Children - Cathedrals
New favorite sad go to song. Any time I need to fall a little into the gray...Cathedrals. And his voice is so beautiful.
Deadmau5 feat. Greta Svabo Bech - Raise Your Weapons
Oh whoever leaked the Deadmau5 album, I thank you. I honestly don't understand how DJs can even get mad if their shit leaks, If was trying to get my shit out there, I wouldn't care HOW it did. This song evokes that super strong emotion too, it pulls at the synth strings located just below the heart, right above the stomach. BurnBurnBurn.
Glitch Mob feat. Swan - Between Two Points
And ditto. This one even more than the last. And I never really expected for Glitch Mob to put out such a Massive Attack feeling song...this is great. I really hope they keep going in this direction.
Radiohead - Everything In It's Right Place (Gigamesh Remix)
Forgot about this little guy. Hypem rape-age and he shows right up on my loved from months ago.
Rosebud - Don't Put it On
Oh, this is an oldie. I forgot how beautiful this song is. The voice, the lyrics, the mood. Purely, innocently sexy.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
I secretly want to be in love, too.
Miss you also, B. So happy that you're happy. Can't wait to blow it up for NYE/NYC edition. -fauxtography.tumblr.com
Lindsay Rose, you are a dear. She sent me this the other night, and not only is it a great new dance song because it has that SHM "One" feel to it, but the video has snow in it with super awesome dancers. Christmas, dancers, and good beats? CHECK.
(Maybe someone should give the singer some pointers on how to have good stage presence, just a thought.)
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
(via someones elses photo stream that wasnt listed)
Trevor Birdsong, a good friend of mine from when I used to live in Atlanta, is living the life. Part of one of the coolest bands around today, Trevor plays guitar for the band The Constellations. (Click for website)Their album, "Southern Gothic" is out and about and MTV just premiered the video for their awesome single 'Felicia.' Well, Trev agreed to take time out of his busy schedule and do an interview for me, and I couldn't have been more excited. Here you go!
So The Constellations, my friend. First tell me about the dynamic of the band, who do we have where? --Elijah jones- vocals/percussion Wes hoffman- bass Shabnam bashiri - bckgrnd vox/percussion Alaina Terry- bckgrnd vox/keys Trevor birdsong- guitar/bckgrnd vox Jason nackers- drums/bckgrnd vox Jamie Gordon- keys/percussion
Talk to me about Lollapalooza. --Lollapalooza was amazing. One of the best crowds we've ever played for! We stuck around for an extra day to see amazing bands and have a few drinks. Definitely one of the best festivals of the year.
Your video for Felicia just premiered on MTV, it's super sexy. How does that feel for you? --It was awesome to film. Jennifer Tzar (director) killed it! We had a lot of fun over the whole process. Eric de fino edited it, and he did a great job. It was really all of us hanging out doing fun things.
I love the Klever remix for that song, how do you feel about people remixing your stuff? --It's pretty cool to hear different peoples take on the songs. It's always interesting to hear different interpretations of the song.
I know you joined the band later than the other guys, am I correct? How was it jumping into a band with a lot of people just like 'that'? --We all were friends before so it wasn't really all that strange. We've been on tour for the last year pretty much with no time off.. So it's safe to say we all get along pretty well.
You guys just finished a tour, and I believe we missed each other in Florida. How did it go? --Well we had just finished a 7 week tour with electric six, which was incredible for us. And we just returned from a short leg with toots and the maytals.. Which was definitely one of the coolest things the band has done.
You play Smiths Old Bar in Atlanta on the 24th, so then your back in the A, are you guys hanging around there for a bit and chilling, or what? --Yeah we've got a couple shows here and there over the break but for the most part were home as of now. We play New Years at Smiths Old Bar (Atlanta) as well! We plan to write while were home.
If you could do a collaboration with any artist, who would you want it to be with? --The impossible question. Cee-lo green (gnarls Barkley, goodie mob) already collaborated with the band. So that's awesome! I think everyone in the band would have a different answer. Answers could be anywhere from Bob Dylan to Arcade Fire to whatver else.
The bands style is pretty 60/70ish retro cowboy western saloon - ish. Talk to me about the bands look. --First off, thank you. Everyones look is a bit different. We've got a guy with an Afro, someone with ever changing facial hair. Two girls.. I mean, we look pretty crazy I guess.
Whats up next for you guys? --Writing and getting back on the road. Keep an eye out :)
Thanks so much, Trev. I miss our days of bar hopping and hanging out. SEE YOU SOON!
The day is dismal. The sky is grey. I've explicated my poetry for the night, and all I can get myself to do is suffocate my mind in the dark, beautiful, creepy music I have set in front of me. We all have to relapse at some point, don't we?
Tom Waits - Dead and Lovely
This song is from the movie Wrist Cutters. I think that's all that needs to be said.
Cat Power - Hate
No hidden meaning here. She's like a really dark Florence Welch. Kind of in love.
Jeff Buckley - New Year's Prayer (remix)
Oh Jeff Buckley, you and your voice. I used to listen to Hallelujah all the time before I would go to bed in highschool. This one just creates that feeling inside of you that tells you that there is something else you should be looking for in life.
Manu Chao - King of Bongo
AH. My friend showed me this song yesterday, and I became fully obsessed. It sucks that I don't understand it because I don't speak 6 languages like he does... But it's SUCH a cool song, oh my goodness. It reminds me so much of the Gorillaz...gone French.
Get Busy Committee - Dancin' On Ya (Xzibit, Paul Wall, Murs Remix)
They forget the word GRAVE in the title. Minor detail of the intensity of this track. I'm really not a huge fan of hip-hop either, I think we all know this, but this is tightttttt.
Bikini - ACheerleader
This is happier. Whatever. It's a cool Animal Collective-esque feeling song. As soon as 2:22 hits, oh my the feeling you will receive.
Well. I had a very very fun weekend. And in honor of my weekend in which I danced my damn ass off, I am putting up yet another massive plethora of dancey, feel good, songs that make me want to do inappropriate things post. Yay.
Natalia Kills - Mirrors (Purple Crush Music)
Fallen in love with Natalia Kills remixes. It's a disease. Damnit.
NERD x Daft Punk - Hypnotize You (Nero Remix)
When this video debuted, I was so stoked to see it. Then I watched it. And I hated it. And I wasn't too into the song either. However, Nero remixes always know how to make me like a song 100% more.
Ke$ha - We R Who We R (Miami Ski Team Remix)
I still hate you, Kesha. However, you and Katy Perry and your damn addicting beats get me every time. Curse you.
Katy Perry - E.T.
I am SO sorry for posting this. I promise I'm not becoming a pansy. I just can't help it. This beat is killer, it makes me want to dance, and it reminds me of TaTu. Don't hate.
Deadmau5 - Right This Second
This is like the oldest school Tiesto - ish beat I have heard in quite some time. Love it.
Girl Talk - Oh No
Oh No is correct. What the hell am I doing posting a Girl Talk song? I'm not sure what's gotten into me. I could probably mash songs like this too if I had a dope computer. It's gotta be the Luda. Maybe the Ramones.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Check this sweet pic my friend just sent me. OH T.S Eliot, I do love your words.
PS: I'm really sorry I'm slacking on posts. School owns my soul. I promise you will have music soon enough.
So the other day I was looking through some pics of Robyn, and I found this pic of her and some hot chick with half a shaved head, and after researching harder, I found her to be this chick Natalia Kills. Then a day or so later, when I opened my homepage, which happens to be NYLONmag.com, there she pops up, on NYLONtv, pretty as ever, and THEN her song pops up on one of my magical music blogs. This girl is EVERYWHERE. So after doing some more hunting, I found a dope remix to her song "Zombie", and...this is where our love started.
Natalia Kills - Zombie (FrankMusic Remix)
And who better to remix a track like this, then my boy Frank Music?
Okay wait I have to be honest for like ... a second. It seems to me she's trying a bit too hard. Actually it seems like she's trying way too hard. Maybe if she stopped trying to be so dark and weird, she'd be even cooler. Everyone's cooler when they are just themselves, aren't they?
Listen to her do the coolest version of Edgar Allan Poe's Raven HERE
Okay let's get to the bangers, shall we? We shall. Without further ado, I present to you my raddest songs of the week.
Los Rakas - Abrazame (Uproot Andy Remix)
I blogged the original to this some months back, it was the Gyptian song 'Hold Yuh', suuuper good. But this remix, even though it's in Spanish and I don't understand anything, his voice is beautiful, and the video that goes with it is amazing.
Keri Hilson - I Like (Manhattan Clique Remix)
Okay, I'm not really a fan of Keri Hilson, (my friend Justin actually shot her one day at some place in Atlanta, it was cool) she's a bit...mainstream for me, but this remix is totally 90's dance music! It's totally that oldschool techno feel, and I'm totally digging it.
Skrillex - Kill Everybody (BARE NOIZE REMIX)
Any song that's titled "Kill Everybody" is most definitely a song for me! WOMPWOMPWOMPWOMP Sweet du85tep.
Katy B feat. Ms. Dynamite - Light On (Skream Remix)
Oh how I love my Katy B. Every single song she had is always straight FIRE. Ugh, I'm in love. Female crush, most definitely. This remix's beat is so incredibly dirty, it makes me want to do illegal things. Like, super illegal, bad, dirty things...
Morgan Page - I've Had Friends (Jean Elan Remix Audio)
Fight For You and Longest Road will always be one of my fave songs by him. This one is super rad, I think a lot of it is that it just feels so good to hear something new from him. Stoked to hear more!
It has been FAR too long since I've been up violating the music blogs. So I took some time today (like...4 hours) ravaging and raping the interwebz and I found some sweeeet stuff. But after all the rad, raw, real dance tuneage I dl'd, I realized that sometimes I need pretty slow songs to calm my heart down after I have an intense jam out session to some dirty disco beats. And what a good time it is to find music like that.
Mr. Little Jeans - Rescue Song (RAC remix)
SHES SO CUTE. And every picture of her I see, I refall in love with her. This song is soo pretty, and I am a HUGE fan of RAC remixes, especially after the Use Somebody remix they did a while back.
jj - i'm the one / money on my mind
I actually don't like jj. Until one night when I was not in my correct mind, I listened, and I learned to love.
jj - let them
Super chill, and this one inpartic because it's a sweet random mashup.
Munk - Violent Love (the Twelves Remix)
This is a little bit quicker paced then the others, but it still has that super relaxation/chill thing going on. Sweet vibez yo.
Last night I received an email from a guy who is the label manager at Moda Music, and he sent me some tracks by Shake Aletti.
"Shake Aletti has just released his debut single on Moda Music. Currently supporting Fenech-Soler on tour, he has already had support from Annie Mac, Nick Grimshaw & Huw Stephens amongst others."
Well, we all know I love Fenech-Soler, so anyone who is in workings with them I will probably most definitely approve. Well, I previewed some of the tracks and watched the video (Click to View) for 'Dancefloor' and I'm not completely in love with the music video, I feel as if the 80's hipster theme has been done too much, it reminded me a lot of Hyper Crush and the video had a lot of lights. The song is good. This / these guys have super awesome potential, and I know down the line they're going to pound out some killer dance floor jams. (No pun intended.) It was missing something, when the chorus kicks in it needed something deeper to get me dancing, but THEN I listened to the Disco of Doom remix along with the Tom Staar remix, and alas, I danced. These remixes are super tasty.
Shake Aletti - Dancefloor (Disco of Doom Remix)
Shake Aletti - Dancefloor (Tom Staar Remix)
I'm really stoke to hear the future sounds of Shake Aletti.
Moda Music is a super sweet label, fun website, To check out more music from Moda Music click HERE
This is my friend Sasquatch. We met when we were both highly inebriated at the Mad Decent Block Party. This boy has just about the greatest taste in music, more so than anyone I've ever met. (But I only say that because he has the exact same taste as I do, so I'm completely biased) He also happens to be a pretty rad DJ. He resides in Vermont, which is like 384208 lightyears away from me, so I never get to see him, but he has a DOPE ass radio show for the University of Vermont, and everyone should listen to him pound it out live Tuesdays at 12. Or, Wednesdays I guess. It's the 12-2 am spot. Click HERE to stream.
BRITTANY, you're doing a really good job of making me cry my eyes out because I miss New York. Just kidding, we don't know how to cry.
I think partly because I want to be them. Slash imitate all of their songs.
Check this badass out. Her voice is SO unique. She's from Belgium, and has the coolest voice, is only 19, rhymes like a damn Jamaican, and is beautiful.